Urology Cheat Sheets

Passion for urology

We are a group of residents and young urologists interested in social media, evidence-based medicine, and passionate about urology.

We have in common the desire to continue learning and updating ourselves day by day, and the passion to share with the entire scientific community everything that is useful, so that decision-making in our clinical practice is as easy and accurate as possible.

What do we do?

Specialized material according to your needs.

In the absence of schematic and easy-to-understand material for study and consultation, we embarked on this adventure of creating schematic and practical scientific content to learn and review both the basic and the most difficult concepts of our passion: urology.

Who are we targeting?

Content created specially for you

We address all those people who are interested in learning Urology in a different, fun and simple way.

From medical or nursing students, who are looking for a practical guide to study or review the basic aspects of this specialty for their exams, to residents and urologists who seek to consolidate knowledge, have clinical practice guides or a quick reference for those concepts that are more easily forgotten.


From medicine or other health sciences interested in strengthening the most important concepts of urology for the exams.


From urology and other specialties to help their decision-making in clinical practice and help with their study.


To ensure continuous training and as a reminder of the most important and easily forgotten aspects.

What we want to achieve

Reach your goals with us

With our UrologyCheatSheets we want to provide different study tools based on the latest scientific evidence to make updating among people related to urology simpler and more practical.

We also seek to help students and residents with the preparation of specific exams, by providing an useful tool for a quick review of the basic specialty concepts.

Latest Sheets

Angiomyolipomas, a review

Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a benign mesenchymal tumor, belonging to a family of so-called PEComas. It is often found incidentally during imaging for other reasons and can be associated with conditions like tuberous sclerosis and pulmonary

See Sheet


Genitourinary Multidisciplinary Tumour Boards (GUMTBs) are collaborative platforms where healthcare professionals from different specialties come together to discuss and manage patient cases involving genitourinary cancers. These boards improve patient outcomes through comprehensive and coordinated care,

See Sheet
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