
Angiomyolipomas, a review

Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a benign mesenchymal tumor, belonging to a family of so-called PEComas. It is often found incidentally during imaging for other reasons and

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Genitourinary Multidisciplinary Tumour Boards (GUMTBs) are collaborative platforms where healthcare professionals from different specialties come together to discuss and manage patient cases involving genitourinary cancers.

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EAU Guidelines on Urethral Strictures

Review the #EAUGuidelines on the disease management of #UrethralStrictures, including both conservative and endoluminal treatment options for male patients with this #EAUUrologyCheatSheet!

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EAU Guidelines on Neuro-Urology

Neuro-urological symptoms are caused by a variety of events affecting the nervous system controlling the lower urinary tract and have a significant impact on patients’

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